I love to bake. I’ve been baking for my family and friends for years. Making Christmas cookies at my house with my nieces is a beloved, time honored tradition. My chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies are produced in double batches to bring to family gatherings so everyone can bring some home after we eat a bunch for dessert.
It makes sense that I would bake cookies for my dogs – the furry family so dear to my heart – but I have not yet tried! Knowing that I have some eager taste testers, I am borrowing some cook books from a friend and I’ll report back next week!! I am very excited to give this a try. We are baking for ourselves but also for a fund raiser on October 24th for our friends at A Pathway to Hope. I think we need some trial batches to make sure they are really, really good. If you have any suggestions or a recipe to share, please let me know!
A week or so later….
Inspired by my love of baking and the woofuses’ love of treats, I decided to search for a good recipe that would work for Halloween. I found one at a great blog called “use real butter” – Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Treats. The simple ingredients are: whole wheat flour, eggs, pumpkin puree, and peanut butter. That’s it. Simply natural. For the recipe and directions, please visit the page on the use real butter blog – Jen tells it so well and her blog is a very interesting one well worth following.
I would suggest doubling the recipe, although it does make a lot, because every one you know with a dog will want some and then want some more. We made little “tombstones” for Halloween. These are cut out cookies and I had a hard time finding a small enough cookie cutter amongst my rather large collection. However some kind soul had given me a small tin of tea themed cookie cutters ages ago, and the tiny slice of toast (yes, there is a toast-shaped cookie cutter) worked perfectly as a tiny tombstone! Necessity is the mother of invention, eh?

Of our three dogs, Fiona is the pickiest eater. She is my litmus test for a good biscuit. This was her reaction. Do you see the intensity of her eyes? Secret is out right licking her chops. They are doing a down stay to earn their treats. Lobo thought they were mighty delicious as well.
We’re going to give dog treats out at Halloween to the dogs we know in the neighborhood – why not? Sounds like fun. We’ve put a dozen treats each in a snack size bag and added some Halloween stickers for spooky spirit. Let’s spread the ‘ruv around!

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